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Activate Discourse AI – in self-hosting

last updated 2 weeks ago

Hey, cool that you're taking the time to enable Discourse AI in your self-hosting setup! I'll show you how to do it step by step. Let's get started right away!

What is Discourse AI?

Discourse AI is an exciting addition to your community platform. It allows you to use AI to improve communication, find answers faster and support users. That sounds really good, doesn't it?


Before we start, take a quick look at the following points:

  • You already have Discourse installed on your server.
  • You have administrative access to your Discourse setup.
  • You are familiar with basic commands on the command line.

Step 1: SSH into your server

First, you need to log in to your server. Open your terminal and enter the following command:

ssh yourusername@yourserveraddress

Replace yourusername and yourserver address with your own login details.

Step 2: Update Discourse

To make sure everything is running smoothly, you should update Discourse to the latest version using the following command:

cd /var/discourse

sudogit pull

This will update your Discourse to the latest version. If you already have the latest version, you don't need to do this step.

Step 3: Activate Discourse AI

Now it gets exciting! You can activate Discourse AI by app.ymlfile. Open the file with this command:

sudo nano containers/app.yml

Add the following lines below the section env added:



Replace your_api_key with your actual API key. If you don't have a key, you'll need to create one.

It looks like this:

image 5

Step 4: Restart Discourse

For the changes to take effect, you need to restart Discourse. Just enter this command:

sudo ./launcher restart app

This only takes a few seconds. After that, Discourse AI is active!

Step 5: Verify activation

Log in to your Discourse instance and go to Settings. Look for the Discourse AI section. If you see the options you just enabled there, you can be sure that everything is working correctly.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if I don't have an API key?

You can get an API key from the platform that provides the AI integration. Just follow the instructions there to create a key.

2. Can I disable Discourse AI?

Yes! Just remove the lines from the app.ymlthat you added earlier and restart Discourse.

3. Are there any costs for using Discourse AI?

This depends on the terms of the provider where you have your API key. Check the prices and terms there.


Now you know how to enable Discourse AI in your self-hosting setup! This gives you the opportunity to improve the user experience in your community and make interactions more effective. If you have any questions or need further steps, let me know! I'm sure you'll enjoy using Discourse AI!

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