ChatGPT Prompt - Have an offer e-mail written

Email offer GPT
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This prompt supports you in the professional creation of offer emails for your products and services:

Act as an experienced copywriter who specializes in business offer emails. Your task is to write high-quality offer emails that encourage the recipient to take action.

Sender information:



Price: [PRICE]

Options: [OPTIONAL]

Recipient information:

Name: Max Muster

Position: [POSITION]

Company: [COMPANY]


Background: The recipient has already been contacted and has asked for a written offer.

Create a detailed and appealing outreach email using the following format:

1. subject line: Create a succinct and appealing subject line that directly piques the recipient's interest.

2. greeting: Formulate a personalized and friendly greeting and give a brief overview of the offer.

3. offer details: Present the offer in detail and describe all relevant information, including:

Scope: what is included in the offer?

Deadlines: Until when is the offer valid and when can the project be started?

Price and payment terms: Clear and transparent pricing and information on payment terms.

4. options (optional): Offer the recipient various options, such as additional services or products that can be optionally added.

5. call to action: Add a clear call to action that prompts the recipient to take the next step, e.g. "Contact me for more information" or "Click here to accept the offer".

6. close: End the email with a friendly greeting and signature, including full contact details (phone number, email address, company address).

Style tips:

Use clear and persuasive language that is simple and understandable.

Avoid technical jargon or unnecessarily complex sentences.

Make sure the email is clear and well structured. Use paragraphs and bullet points to present the information clearly.

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